Brian Holder

Mr. Holder has over 15 years of subsurface utility engineering and utility locating experience on various engineering and construction phase projects across a variety of market sectors including DOT / Highway, Pharmaceutical, Energy, and Commercial / Industrial properties.

What is meant by EOI?

What is meant by EOI?

When locating underground utilities, we may occasionally designate a utility to an unknown termination point. We will label this as EOI (End of Information). We will label this in paint on the ground, as well on any sketch, report, or drawing deliverable we provide. We use this term because it accurately describes the situation. When locating utilities, we […]

Why doesn’t Call 811 locate all utilities?

Why doesn’t Call 811 locate all utilities?

The common misconception with most state-run 811 (call before you dig) programs is that they locate underground utilities for free. The fact, however, is that the 811 system doesn’t locate utilities at all. It is simply a distribution hub that notifies utility companies that someone is digging or planning to dig on or near their facilities. When […]

How Utility Locating Equipment Works

How Utility Locating Equipment Works

There are many types of utility locating equipment available in the market these days. Utility Locator, LLC utilizes both electromagnetic and ground penetrating radar equipment to successfully locate most underground utilities on your project or construction sites. Although advancements in technologies have made the equipment much more reliable recently, the theories and principles behind how […]

Effectiveness of GPR for Locating Underground Utilities

Effectiveness of GPR for Locating Underground Utilities

Ground penetrating radar can be a great tool for utility location services, but how accurate is it? Is it the Holy Grail of utility locating? The end-all be-all solution that will find everything? Manufactures of Ground Penetrating Radar equipment will have you believe that the device is capable of detecting almost anything underground, but it […]

The hidden costs of underground utility damage

The hidden costs of underground utility damage

The release of last month’s Common Ground Alliance 2016 DIRT Report is a sobering reminder about how important it is to excavate safely around underground utilities. The CGA reports that 56% of utility damages are the result of insufficient excavation practices, and an additional 16% were the result of not calling 811. The report estimates […]